矮腳烏龍,樹如其名,由於它長得較一般茶樹矮,只有約 110厘米高,即使它的樹齡已有 185年!
有說這矮腳烏龍其實是 台灣高山 #青心烏龍 茶的元祖,就是當年有人將它移植到台灣。
由於它不像其他單欉一般帶明顯獨特的花香、果香;加上因為樹身矮,茶農採茶時要彎腰也較花工夫。由於商業價值上不如其他單欉,於是這些「矮腳烏龍」茶樹也沒獲得太多的照顧,漸漸的,現在烏崠山只剩 五 棵矮腳烏龍樹。
這款高山野生矮腳烏龍,兩年才會採摘一次,因為要保養它。今年的產量只有 0.9公斤!

Place: 烏崬山
Altitude: 1020m
Age: 185years
High mountain old tree wild “Short-leg Oolong “

This is super rare tea called “short-leg” Oolong.
The tea tree is 185years old but only 110cm height.
That is why called “short-leg”.
This tree is originated in Phoenix Mountain and tree is brought to Taiwan and becomes Taiwan Oolong
#青心烏龍 .
However this tree was abandoned in Phoenix mountain as it did not have commercial value at that moment.
Now only 5 old trees are existing in Phoenix mountain.
Our tea is especially good quality one among these 5trees as it wildly grown high mountain of Wu don mountain.
Comfortable texture and long lasting sweetness with roasted and very unique aroma like perilla.
Strong minerals as it is old tree and wild grown.
Production only 0.9kg in 2years .
Because the tea tree is so small and only harvest once 2years in order to protect the wild grown tree.
Place: 烏崬山
Altitude: 1020m
Age: 185years
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