
新到大吉嶺 春摘茶︰Puttabong First Flush "Moondrops"2020

🌿新到大吉嶺 春摘茶🌝🌸︰Puttabong First Flush "Moondrops"2020】
Darjeeling 1st Flush #Puttabong " Moondrops “ arrived!!
Top quality Darjeeling First Flush just arrived ~~~✈️
Puttabong tea garden is famous for producing the best quality first flush in Darjeeling.
Darjeeling 1st Flush is very different from other Black tea or 2nd flush Darjiling tea.
Very greenish and fresh like green tea or fresh Oolong tea.
This year we imported “Moon Drop” which is harvested under moon light on Full Moon day at 2am.
Leaves are so small, soft and delicate.
Taste is also very delicate but impressive.
Strong sweetness and greenish with aroma of pretty white flowers.
Try the “World Top Quality “ Darjeeling first flush~~~🍃🍃🍃
老闆這幾年都會印度大吉嶺挑選夏摘大吉嶺茶回港,今年因疫情及各路交通受阻關係,未能遠赴大吉嶺。不過,適有湊巧,今年我們又買到了 有名的 大吉嶺茶莊 Puttagbong 的 春摘茶﹙First Flust Tea﹚"Moondrops"。
大吉嶺的茶園有很多,Puttabong 係以出產頂級春摘茶馳名的大吉嶺莊園。而大吉嶺春摘茶跟一般「紅茶」或夏摘茶不同——來自春季的它充滿花香,較「青」亦較鮮。老闆娘試茶,喝後呆一呆,然後心跳加速﹙子曰︰「初戀無限美」的感覺?﹚——呆是因為滿口人花香,但城市人只知道是「花香」,說不出是來自哪種花;心跳加速,大概因為茶較青,接近烏龍茶甚至綠茶,咖啡因較強,是很提神的茶!
#Moondrops 的名字源於它是在月圓之夜的 2am,由採茶工人採摘下來,吸收了月光的精華!
翻查一些茶評,有說這種花香有如 " #Edleweiss " #高山火絨草,是長於高山,有如星星的白色小花。電影《仙樂飄飄處處聞》有首同名歌曲。大概這種茶香就是來自高山的香氣候~~

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