
大吉嶺夏摘茶 Phuguri Moonlight 的泡法 How to brew Phuguri “Moon Light”?

🌿🌝 大吉嶺夏摘茶 Phuguri Moonlight 的泡法 🌕 

很多人客人會將今年的夏摘茶 Phuguri Moonlight 跟去年的 Turzum Muskital Wonder 比較,大概因為價錢差不多。不過,單看兩種茶的製作方法,已可見兩種茶是個性很不同的大吉嶺茶。

去年的夏摘茶 Turzum Muskital 的風格是強烈的,喝一口便被很容易被它的味道征;Phuguri 則相對淡雅細緻,需要用蓋碗方式沖泡,才泡出它一重又一重的特質。

Phuguri "Moonlight " 經過細緻、輕力的捻揉,茶葉中以芽葉居多,所以發酵程度不算太強。這可以從茶葉的顏色不全是深啡,而帶白亳可見。之所以,這款 Moonlight 可以較短的沖泡時間,沖泡多次。我們喝的時候覺得有點像中國的白茶。

當然,人人對味道有不同的體會,難以說那種泡法最好。不過老闆就覺得用蓋碗來泡 Phuguri Moonlight ,可以更全面泡出這款的滋味!


3.5 克 Moonlight 茶葉,
注入 60 亳升的攝氏 95度熱水﹙煮滾的熱水後,讓它平靜下來10-20秒的溫度﹚,
待 1 分鐘後,


不過,老闆說他用蓋碗來泡去年的「茶王」Muskital Wonder,但效果麻麻,還是茶壼泡 5分鐘的方法才能泡出它的好處。


How to brew Phuguri “Moon Light”?

Phuguri Moon Light is delicately rolled , contains many buds and not so strongly fermented.
As I drunk the moon light several times,
I realized some feeling of drinking White needle tea .

So I tried to find a unique way for brewing this tea in order to enjoy 100% potential of the tea!

Everyone has different preference of “taste” so not able to tell which way is the best.
But I feel the brewing way below is very enjoyable for my taste.

Use Gai Wan to brew
3.5g leaves
95degree water
(After boil, stay 10-20sec water to be calm down)
60ml hot water
Wait 1min

The first brew you may enjoy the intensive Muscatel flavor with sweetness.
From second brew, less aroma but more and more bold tastes of body and minerals like drinking white needle tea.
I normally brew 5-6times.

As I tried this way to brew with last year’s best tea Maskital Wonder, it was just wasting the goodness of the tea .
Very interesting!!!


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