【🌿🌝新茶到! 大吉嶺夏摘茶 Phuguri Moonlight 🌕 ☕】
這是 Phuguri 莊園的"Moonlight"紅茶。
一般莊園紅茶都是在日間採摘。這款 Moonlight 茶葉則是由採茶工人在凌晨兩點的月光之下開始採摘。茶樹在晚間儲存營養與能量,然後在日光下生長。採摘晚間的茶葉,就是想摘下受著月光滋養的茶葉的滋味。
Moonlight 茶葉屬貴價的茶,因為人工較貴﹙工人要在凌晨工作﹚,而能夠採摘的茶葉也不多。如老闆這次採購回來的 Moonlight 茶葉也只有七公斤。另外,這款茶的滋味也是與眾不同的,跟之前的夏摘茶 Muskital Wonder 或是春摘茶,是截然不同的風味。
老闆買了全部 7 公斤的 "Moon Light" 回來,他打算今年先賣 3公斤,剩餘的放在真空待它自然「發酵」多一會,味道會更香醇。
#darjeelingtea #jungpana #Turzum #Singbulli #香茶房 #kaorisabo #大吉嶺茶 #春摘茶 #夏摘茶 #secondflush #springtea
#春茶 #moondrop #moonlight #phuguri
🌝Darjeeling Phuguri 2nd Flush “Moon Light” arrived!!🌱
I have visited to Darjeeling last month and selected 4 different lots of tea from 3 different tea gardens.
Now, the first lot from Phuguri garden arrived.
Normally tea is plucked in daytime.
But this beautiful tea is plucked from 2am under moonlight.
Tea save energy during night time and consume it on daytime to grow .
In order to pluck full of the “saved energy” in tea, this tea was plucked under moonlight.
However production cost is much higher due to labor cost high for night time work, very small leaves are selected for this lot and small quantity production.
Taste and aroma are amazingly elegant.
Clean, but comfortable body with sweet muscatel flavor like fresh honey from flower.
You may feel the aroma and sweetness with your throat stronger than with mouth and nose.
We have imported “Moon Light” 7kg.
And we plan to sell 3kg only this year.
This tea will be sold out quick so please come earlier if you would like to enjoy the taste of elegance!
(Other 4kg will be aged under vacuumed and stable condition for further fermentation in order to enhance the sweetness and aroma to make this tea even more valuable .)
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Parker (Thursday, 19 March 2020 06:33)