【🌿大吉嶺茶的製作步驟﹙三﹚:揉捻Rolling 🌱】
不同季節的茶,揉捻的過程也不同。如夏摘茶通常需要揉捻一至二小時;春摘茶則只需要揉捻約 30小時。揉捻的時間及力度,往往根據茶葉的形狀、茶葉本身性格及採摘的季節。在揉捻的時候,茶師會挑選出質素參差的茶葉。
#firstflush #darjeelingtea #jungpana #Turzum #Singbulli
#香茶房 #kaorisabo #大吉嶺茶 #春摘茶
#springtea #春茶 #moondrop #moonlight #凋萎
Do you know “How Darjeeling tea to be produced”?(3)
After the “Withering “ process,
Next step is rolling process.
Rolling up the leaves for enhancing fermentation.
In this process, the producers would decide the character of the tea according to the individuality of the leaf.
For second flush, they will roll for 1hr-2hrs.
But for first flush, only roll for 30min or less.
There are the recipes for how long or how strong to roll depending on the leaves, size and seasons.
Even while rolling they will keep sort the old leaves.
After rolling up, staying the leaves for a while for further fermentation.
After these process,
The leaves will be roasted for stopping fermentation.
After all the process,
The tea samples will be deliver to the garden director and he would qualify the quality of the tea.
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