"Exotic Wonder"】
Darjeeling 1st Flush Jungpana “Exotic Wonder “ arrived!!
許多巧合﹙或不巧﹚之下,大吉嶺 Jungpana 莊園的 春摘茶 " Exotic Wonder" 終於來到了香茶房。
大吉嶺春摘茶﹙First Flush) 跟夏摘茶﹙Second) 有甚麼不同呢?籠統來說,夏摘茶的茶身較濃重,花果香特出;春摘茶則較鮮爽,兼帶細緻幽香。沖泡後的茶葉之中,還可見到青嫩的茶葉,應該就是鮮香的來由了。老闆嘗試用中式泡法及壼泡兩種方式沖泡,發現中式較短時間的沖泡﹙水溫較低﹚,似乎更容易泡出大吉嶺春摘茶的鮮味及細緻香氣沖泡出來呢!
Jungpana 春摘茶沖泡方式︰
茶葉 3克
攝氏 90度水 80亳升
沖泡時間 1 分鐘
茶器 蓋碗
用以上方式沖泡,茶可以泡 3-4 次,而且能嘗到春摘茶的鮮美呢!
Darjeeling 1st Flush Jungpana “Exotic Wonder “ arrived!!
Very fresh Jungpana 1st flash just arrived today!
As I try to brew in the way of “Chinese tea” and “Black tea”,
I am sure in the way of “Chinese tea” will be more suitable in order to enjoy full of greenish.
As the leaves are very young picked, there are very low bitterness.
But very deep body in taste with fresh green aroma.
After drink out , flowery aroma would come out from deep inside your body.
How to brew
Leaves 3g
Temperature 90degree
Water 80ml
Time 1min
You may be able to enjoy 3-4times .
Try the taste of “freshness”!
#firstflush #darjeelingtea #jungpana
#香茶房 #kaorisabo #大吉嶺茶 #春摘茶
#springtea #shincha #sencha #春茶 #greentea
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