
"焙茶控"留意!新到 極上加賀棒焙茶 Premium Kaga Bo Hoji

🌿"焙茶控"留意!新到 極上加賀棒焙茶 ☕️
我哋已經有靜岡焙茶同加賀棒焙茶,不過問到有冇「靚啲」嘅焙茶呢,唔係冇,只係比較少見。原因係,通常靚啲嘅日本茶茶葉,都帶有多啲 Umami 味﹙旨味﹚,但呢種茶葉就唔係咁適合用作 #烘焙 嘞,因為高級的茶葉,經過烘焙後會帶有煙燻,甚至變成燒焦嘅味道。
既然係咁,茶廠佢哋就試下用靚啲嘅茶葉,來個較輕的烘焙,製成茶葉,大家就可以飲到 #靚棒茶 #Umami味 同埋 烘焙嘅味道嘞~~
通常焙茶都用滾水沖泡,但呢隻 #極上加賀棒焙茶 就唔需要用滾熱水泡,只需用攝氏 70 至 80 度嘅水去沖泡一分鐘就大功告成嘞~~
#焙茶控 請留意~~
Many of our customers asked “Don’t you have even more premium quality Hoji tea?”.
High quality tea leave contains many of Umami taste but it is not suitable for Hoji as if the high quality leaves are strongly roasted, there will be smoky smell.
In order to resolve it,
We lightly roast the high quality leaves.
So you can taste Umami from this Bo Hoji tea.
Normally Hoji tea should be brewed with very hot water and no need to wait much.
But this Hoji should be brewed like Sencha like 80-70degree water and waiting 1min.

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