
重火炭焙 新到單欉 #老仙翁 Tea for autumn

Tea for autumn, “老仙翁”👨‍🦳🌳
Weather is getting cooler and drier as fall deepened.
It is good season to drink warm tea.
We have imported some suitable tea for this season.
This tea is strongly roasted Phoenix Oolong called “Old Hermit”. #老仙翁
This is a kind of “Yellow Gardenia Aroma” #黄枝香.
The mother tree of this tea is look like “Old Hermit “ so called this name.
Character of this tea is intensive aroma of sweet gardenia with remarkable tanning with long sweet after taste.
As this tea is strongly roasted,
This tea will grow to smoother and sweeter year by year .
Place: 烏崬山
Age of tree: 180years old
【重火炭焙 新到單欉 #老仙翁】
剛剛來了一款重火炭焙的 #春茶 「老仙翁」——名字的由來是茶農覺得這款茶樹母樹的形態很像老翁。大家就發揮啲啲想像力,睇吓茶樹似唔似老公公。
這款重火炭焙的 #老仙翁 單欉,屬 #黃枝香 的一種,帶槴子花香,喝後明顯感受到其單寧帶來的澀感和甘甜。由於這款茶屬重火炭焙,如儲存得宜,存放得愈久會愈甘醇。
Place: 烏崬山
Age of tree: 180years old

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