
用盡 茶葉之 鳳凰單欉味噌湯~~!? Phoenix Oolong “Miso Soup”~~

用盡 茶葉之 鳳凰單欉味噌湯~~!?🤔
Phoenix Oolong “Miso Soup”~~
由於高山老樹鳳凰單欉含有豐富的礦物質,所以用來泡茶泡二十次仍然有茶味。之前也提及過,我們會用泡 10 次後的高山古樹單欉﹙宋種、蜜蘭香及夜來香﹚茶葉去做冷泡茶,很多客人喝過都喜歡,有種「喝香味水」的感覺!
1.將泡完茶的單欉茶葉放入茶包/ 煲魚湯袋,泡在預備煮湯的水裏 10分鐘。
3. 加入日本味噌﹙麪豉﹚,煮至味噌溶化
4. 取出「茶葉昆布包」,不要讓它待在湯內太長時間,否則會苦
Phoenix Oolong “Miso Soup”~~
In the previous posts, I have mentioned that old tree Phoenix Oolong has strong minerals and can be brewed 20times or can be brewed with cold water after brewing 10times with hot water.
But there is another way to use “used” tea leaves.
It is the way using it as “soup stock” for Miso Soup~~
Especially if you are “Vegetarian “, you do not want to use fish dry .
But sometimes you may feel not enough “taste” if only vegetables.
Then this “Used” tea leaves are very helpful to make the soup much more rich and delicious 😋
Minerals of old tree Phoenix oolong add the goodness a lot !!
How to make is so easy!!
1, soak “used” old tree Phoenix oolong (put into tea bag) to water with dried mushrooms and Konbu(昆布) about 10min.
2, Boil with any kinds of vegetables.
3, Dissolve Miso
4, take out the tea leaves
(Soak too long make the soup bitter)

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