【新到!靚斯里蘭卡紅茶 #Rufuna #FFExSP】
Outstanding quality Rufuna FFExSP arrived~~~🍃🍃🍃
天氣寒冷,最好飲返大杯熱茶,保暖保水 ☕
這次跟 Earl Grey “Happiness” 一起從斯里蘭卡來的紅茶還幾款,其中一款值得推介的是 高級的Rufuna FFExSP。
斯里蘭卡(錫蘭)紅茶跟印度大吉嶺茶是風味截然不同的兩種紅茶。這次帶回來的Rufuna FFExSP,茶葉短而較幼,當中混了不少金頂茶葉(Golden tips),所以茶葉帶獨特的香氣及蜜甜。
之前我們也引入過一種Rufuna FFExSP,不少客人都喜歡,因為性價比高,市面上也難找到同級的。這次的 Rufuna FFExSP 味道較之前一批更優勝,茶身厚,香氣,果味與蜜味更濃郁,當然價錢也貴一點點😄,但都是一如以往般合理啦。
Outstanding quality Rufuna FFExSP arrived~~~🍃🍃🍃
Together with Earl Grey “Happiness “, we imported very high quality Rufuna FFExSP.
As you can see the photo,
This tea contains a lots of golden tips and they are so thin and tiny which bring a lots of aroma and sweetness.
We have imported several times before and they were very much appreciated by many of customers as it has very sweet taste and like ripe fruits aroma but reasonable in price.
Compered to previous tea,
This time FFExSP is outstandingly high in quality as much more deep and thick in taste and aroma.
(Price is slightly more though,,,)
If you are tea lover,
Please try this rare high quality tea~~~😉
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