【✨令人「愉悅」的伯爵茶 Earl Grey "Happiness"🎀】
香茶房的大吉嶺伯爵茶頗受歡迎。為了迎接聖誕新年,我們剛收到來自斯里蘭卡的一款彩色繽紛的伯爵茶 Earl Grey "Happiness"~
這款伯爵茶是在錫蘭紅茶中,混入了佛手柑油,加入了三種天然顏色的食用花朵:萬壽菊 #Marigold (黃)、矢車菊 #Cornflower(藍)及 紅花 #Safflower (紅),單是顏色頗有節日氣氛🎄🎀~
這款伯爵茶色彩奪目,無論視覺,還是香氣味道也令人愉快,所以給它取名 Earl Grey Happiness。這款成份天然,不含人造色素或香料,天冷時看着喝着也高興,送禮自用皆宜。
Price: Earl Grey "Happiness" $88/50g
🎉🎉Earl Grey “Happiness “ arrived🎉🎉
New tea from Ceylon just arrived!
This tea is Earl Grey which is black tea with bergamot aroma, adding beautiful 3 kinds of natural edible
We choose the tea which from mid-range of Ceylon.
This tea has natural sweet aroma like berry so the aroma of this Earl Grey is very sweet and deep as the aroma not only from Bergamot oil.
(We imported pure Mid-Range tea too~~).
This colorful beautiful tea will make people so happy with it’s look, aroma and the refreshing taste!!
This tea can be very nice happy gift🎁
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