
新到有機花草茶 New Organic Herbs from India arrived!


來自印度喀什米爾高原的有機花草茶、香草又到嘞。呢排大家可能情緒起伏都較大😣😣 我們特別引入了「印度人參」Ashgawanda, 味道真的像人參。它有紓緩情緒,改善睡眠質素的功效。

「印度人參」Ashgawanda 的意思是 「如馬般的力量」——即人印度人參內藏多種營養,喝後令你有如馬般建壯🐎🐎🐎!而對印度人來說,印度人參令人青春常駐又有魄力呢!

之前我們引入過少量 Ashgawanda,是粒裝的,這次我們引入磨得較細的粒裝,方便沖泡。


🌹美顏玫瑰人參烏龍茶🌹〗 泡法

鳳凰單欉茶 2克
喀什米爾玫瑰 2克
人參烏龍 1克

以中式泡法泡,將以上三款放入茶壼,以大滾水「洗茶」一次,倒去水。然後加入大滾水 約 80ml ,泡20秒,倒出便可喝。可泡6—8次。


New Organic Herbs from India arrived!
This is Ashgawanda (Indian Ginseng).

Meaning of “Ashgawanda” is “Power of horse”.
Drinking this herb will supply you a lots of energy to boost up yourself like getting “power of horse”.
Also this herb is know as “herb for beauty “ to get energy for young.

This time we imported small grain size one as more suitable for brewing tea.(we imported last time bigger grain size)

I propose below blending as “Tea of Beauty “~~🥰

Phoenix Oolong Winter tea 2g
Rose 2g
Ashgawanda 1g

How to brew
After “washing tea”,
Brew with Boiling water 80ml 20sec.
(Could brew for about 6-8times)

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