Darjeeling Turzum “Moon Drop”(月雫) arrived!! 🌕🌱
來了幾種茶。先介紹來自 Turzum 茶園的“Moon Drop” 茶( #月雫 ),也是由工人在夜間採下來的茶葉。買回來的這批 Moondrop 是茶園本年度的第一造夏摘茶。這造精心製作的大吉嶺茶全部只有 21公斤,而且不會分批賣給不同的買手,所以學老闆成日話齋:全世界得香茶房有呢批茶嘞!😂😂😋
這款矜貴的茶,是要在月圓之夜,接近清晨的時候,採摘下來。其他茶園名為Moondrop/ Moonlight 的茶,風格細緻,即使層次豐富,味道是幽幽的;但Turzum 的 Moondrop 則茶身醇厚,不同層次的味道如一浪又一浪的捲出來!茶味甘甜帶果香而不苦澀!
老闆試用他的朱泥常滑茶壼來泡這款 Moondrop,更能將它的獨特的風格和口味,完整地呈現出來。
相對於Phuguri 莊園的 “Moon Light “,這款 Moondrop的發酵程度較高,風格較雄渾!喜歡去年夏摘茶茶王 Turzum “Muskital Wonder ”,可以試試這款茶~
Darjeeling Turzum “Moon Drop”(月雫) arrived!! 🌕🌱
The main batch of this year’s Darjeeling tea just arrived!
This tea is the first production of 2019 2nd flush “Moon Drop” from Turzum garden.
This tea is carefully produced only 21kg and our exclusive lot which means this tea is only available in our shop in the world.
The tea is plucked under full moon in very earlier morning so called as “Moon Drop”.
Usually “Moon Drop” from other gardens or lots are very sensitive taste or aroma.
However this “Moon Drop” has strong body, waves of tastes, long lasting sweetness with impressive musk flavor but no bitterness.
Very suitable to brew with Tokoname Red clay tea pot to enhance full potential of the taste.
Comparing with Phuguri “Moon Light “, “Moon Drop” is much more strongly fermented and stronger impact.
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