【 🌹有機玫塊
姜 茶 🌹】
🌹Organic Ginger Rose Tea🌹
試了用高原玫瑰洛神花茶﹙Rose and Hibiscus tea﹚加點薑粉,再加入熱水泡一分鐘。喝前會想會否令味道太複雜呢?但喝著覺得有果酸加薑的味道,竟然有點似「薑啤」Gingle Ale !但這是花茶版,沒有氣泡也沒有甜,喜甜的可以試加蜜糖吧。在這陰沉悶悶的天氣,喝杯玫瑰洛神花薑茶,顏色鮮艷,有醒神作用,健康也能去濕。
We have many of beautiful tea leaves and herb tea.
So we are every day trying different combinations suitable to go.
Today we found this very refreshing and intensive combination.
Rose & Hibiscus + Ginger powder
Rose&Hibiscus has very refreshing sour taste and rich aroma, beautiful red color water.
Adding some ginger to it,
Taste becomes even more refreshing with intense ginger taste.
Color becomes wine red color with ginger.
Drinking this tea feels like drinking wine red color ginger Ale !
Adding some Honey to the tea makes it even more happy drink!
#ハーブティー #chamomile
#香茶房 #日本茶 #有機洋甘菊 #喀什米爾高原
#Kaorisabo #japanesetea #herbaltea #花茶 #花草茶 #薰衣草 #lavender #焙茶 #highland #ROSE #高原玫瑰
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