【新茶到!英女皇都“OK”的大吉嶺紅茶 —— "OKAYTI" 紅茶 】
Okayti 紅茶,名字特別,來自大吉嶺的Rangdoon 莊園。Okayti 茶經過深度發酵,少了果酸的衝擊,口感較滑而少苦澀。茶味亦帶滿滿的青提香氣,性格獨特。這款是味道濃厚的夏摘茶。
名字如其味道都有個性的 Okayti 紅茶,不以茶園 Rangdoon 命名,是有﹙很多﹚段故的。其中一個傳說是︰它是唯一得到英國伊利沙伯女王首肯,說它是 "It's an "Okay" tea!" 的大吉嶺茶。於是"The Only Okay tea" 之名在英國倫敦不脛而走,茶園索性將茶名之為 "Okayti"!
"Okayti" 以春摘茶最極品,甜中帶幽蘭香氣。 莊園毗鄰尼泊爾,地理環境優美,加上精工製茶,"Okayti" 深得英國人喜愛, Rangdoon茶園更是著名百貨公司 Harrods 的指定製茶茶園。
New Tea arrived!!
We got new tea from different gardens in Darjeeling and fresh herb tea.
Today I would like to introduce tea from Okayti garden in Darjeeling.
This strongly fermented tea is very smooth in mouth and less bitterness .
But it got strong impact with unique muscatel flavor.
This tea garden name was originally called “Rangdoo”.
On 1959, the tea from this garden was gifted to queen Elizabeth and she liked it so said “OK tea!”.
Then the garden started to be called “Okayti garden”
(There are different stories for the origin of the name. And this is one of them)
Okayti tea garden is one of the oldest garden and all bio organic tea.
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